Jesus' Love Transforming Community

Sermons by Aaron Box (Page 44)

A Year-end, Personal Inventory

Read: Ecclesiastes 7:8-10 II Corinthians 13:1-10 Ephesians 5:11-16 Philippians 2:14-15 Philippians 3:7-15 Romans 12:1 Romans 6:12-14 Romans 6:19 Matthew 5:13-16 Some of you can’t wait for the good days you are confident lie ahead. In two and a half days, you will joyfully welcome in a new year of possibilities, and you can’t help but think ahead. But, what makes us think…

The Wish List

Read: Matthew 2:7-12 Luke 2:15-20 Consider: Interestingly, the detail Matthew focuses on in the story of the magi, beyond the star that they followed, is the moment of gift giving. Notice that the gifts are called “treasures” in Matthew 2:11. They were very expensive gifts! Gold, frankincense, and myrrh. These wealthy, learned men, who had…

Giving up Rights

On this second Sunday of Advent, we look at the Angel’s appearance to the shepherds, the arrival of the Magi, and the power of Christ’s entrance into the world. God can sympathize with our pain, because He has been tempted like us. While Christ was worthy of a much larger entrance, He gave up his…

Socks and Underwear

Read:      James 4:1-3         Matthew 2:-13                  Numbers 24:17    John 6:14-15, 26-27                  John 6:35-40         John 3:16-19                  John 7:37-38 Consider: Have you noticed that by and large people often really want the wrong things?  Or at least we tend    to overly value things that really aren’t important?  We really struggle with not only…