Jesus' Love Transforming Community

Sermons by Aaron Box (Page 43)

The Other Brother

The story of the Prodigal Son is one that many are familiar with. Today, we examine the younger brother, the older brother, the father and what the story teaches us about God. In the midst of this story, Jesus is challenging us to consider whether or not we are withholding forgiveness from others. For the next couple of weeks, we are going…

Seeking Lost Treasure

This week we focus on the Parable of the Lost Coin. A woman has ten silver coins and loses one. She begins an exhaustive search to find the coin. When she finds it, she throws a party to celebrate. We put effort and search for things in our life that we value. This woman valued the coin and dedicated her time and…

Empty Chairs

We need to understand that celebrating Easter isn’t about a meal, an egg hunt, a grand Sunday morning service…those are fun and good…but rather we celebrate Easter best by aligning our lives to the call of the Gospel which has been placed upon our lives. We celebrate the reality of Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead most effectively no just by an…

Brick by Brick :: Bad News

The beginning of the book of Nehemiah starts with a dark scene. Aaron elaborates on the rich history leading up to this point. There is a picture in these first few chapters of a heart breaking for God’s people. We are challenged to consider what breaks our hearts. Nehemiah was a powerful figure in Israel’s…