Jesus' Love Transforming Community

Sermons by Aaron Box (Page 42)

Brick by Brick :: Dealing with Junk Mail

Chapter 6 of Nehemiah:The wall has been completed and they’re working on the gates. So Israel’s enemies from the surrounding areas make three attempts to destroy Nehemiah or destroy his effectiveness. First they invite Nehemiah (four times!) away from the protection of Jerusalem to their own territory to “talk.” Nehemiah replies with wisdom, “I’m engaged…

Shame & Skeletons

This week we look at Mary Magdalene. Trusting in Jesus gave her a new identity, free of the shame and skeletons of her past. This new relationship freed her and led to her being the first to learn of Jesus’ resurrection. The only way out of shame is forgiveness, and God’s forgiveness in Jesus Christ…

Overwhelming Doubt

This week we examine doubt. Specifically, we see that the disciples were filled with doubt after Christ’s crucifixion. In the same way, we find doubts in our faith from time to time as well. Instead of condemming these doubts, Jesus meets us where we are and instructs us to believe. It is important to note…

The Secret Disciple

We all keep secrets for one reason or another. Sometimes, for good reason. surprise birthday parties are fun and it would be terrible to share this secret and ruin the surprise. Joseph of Arimathea is the subject of today’s story. As a leader, Joseph didn’t speak up against Jesus’ crucifixion. In this story though, we…

The Problem of Easter

Today’s Easter sermon focuses on what we might consider, “The Problem of Easter”. In the final moments of Jesus’ life, the two criminals crucified near him have very different responses. The first criminal chooses to mock Christ. The second asks that Jesus would remember him when he enters the Kingdom. In response, Jesus says that…