Jesus' Love Transforming Community

Sermons by Aaron Box (Page 34)

Abide :: Choose Your Friends Wisely

John 12 is filled with those who are confused about Jesus.  Many desiring something other, less than, what Jesus offers to them.  At the heart of the confusion is a misunderstanding of our own need for rescue.  What exactly does Jesus offer to us, and surprising example do we find of how we might respond…

Abide :: More Than a Savior

John 12 is filled with those who are confused about Jesus.  Many desiring something other, less than, what Jesus offers to them.  At the heart of the confusion is a misunderstanding of our own need for rescue.  What exactly does Jesus offer to us, and surprising example do we find of how we might respond…

Traces :: Running on Empty

What happens when we run out of gas? We feel like throwing in the towel, and we can’t seem to take even one more step? This is the situation in Elijah’s life, even after what we perceive as triumph. How does God intervene in his life, and what can we learn about how God cares…